Every child begins the world again….
~Henry David Thoreau

From far away into my heart
~Author unknown

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

A note from today.

Today started with a bit of souvenir shopping at the famous Beijing silk market. Basically a big mall with TONS of tiny shops where you bargain like mad. Nick and Kellin enjoyed the bargaining procedure. Keely and the other kids NOT so much! It was lots of fun and actually very peaceful. The kids were terrific. They held hands and chatted and there was not a complaint among them. Then ice cream and lunch, in that order, which is important in life sometimes! Kai is SO sweet and has spent the day making sure that Kolya was completely taken care of. He fits right in. More in a bit. We're headed out for a walk and some dinner. Tomorrow is full of paperwork and adoption errands, starts early and ends with a late flight to Guangzhou. Kai super excited about the plane. Love to all!



  1. I am so excited about all that is going on with you and how everything is so peaceful and God led. What wonderful pictures seeing all of the children holding hands and already loving each other unconditionally. I, too, loved the silk market. Beautiful things there. The Chinese people are very talented in all the things they make. Ice cream is always good. It refreshed the body and soul. Ha! You do lots of walking so no worries there. Have a wonderful flight. Know that we are thinking of each one of you. Ken reads all of the correspondence as well. I just am the one to do the note sending. It makes me feel closer to each one of you. Beautiful days here. Not too hot or cold. Just lovely. Tallahassee seems to be blooming all around with color. We love you so much and miss you. Can't wait for the reunion. God bless each one of you. Let His face shine upon you. May He give you peace and safety. Ken continues to do well.

  2. Glad you are having fun! I look forward to reading more soon. - Marlee
