Every child begins the world again….
~Henry David Thoreau

From far away into my heart
~Author unknown

Sunday, September 9, 2012

One video

After the debacle of trying to use this to post while in country, I was unsure about posting when I got back. But, it is difficult to email pictures and impossible to email videos. So I will be posting some things here. First a video!

This one is sort of for Annie (although I think everyone might enjoy it). I wish I could post the one at the Thai restaurant where they came and sang strange American songs at us, with very clear accents. Afterwards it turned out they did not speak any English at all... very strange. That was the dinner where Kellin ordered the juice with red beans at the bottom (which was really pretty good). Well I might try a few more videos later.


  1. Oh Keely!!!!!!!!! I LOVE this and that song is PERFECT!!!!!!! Do you know how much this just uplifts my heart??? I advocated for so, so long for this child and getting to know her through your eyes has been amazing! I can so clearly remember the first time I spoke to you on the phone about Karwen. I could tell instantly that you loved her and saw in her what I had seen!!!! God bless you sweet Keely and God bless your beautiful family and your inspirational new daughter and THANK YOU for this fabulous video!!!! Had my happy cry for the morning! LOL!

  2. I love this video! Thanks for sharing.
