Every child begins the world again….
~Henry David Thoreau

From far away into my heart
~Author unknown

Sunday, March 30, 2014

A bit more...

Finally, a few minutes to actually post some of what we have been up to.

Lots of laughing!!! At everything and everywhere!

I wish that I could pop you all into my brain so that you could just know....the bigness of it all.

The feeling when you see this little person that you recognize from pictures and your thoughts and dreams. It is so much like holding your newborn for the first time. They are old enough to have an inkling of what is happening and have never seen you and they still call you Mama and put their trusting little hand in yours and walk away from everything that they have ever known. The amazing feeling that they can be your children with absolutely no difference than those who might have been born from your body.

And the sadness. The tears that you have to hold back as you watch your child struggle to walk because his braces "broke" the day before. (Both of them. At the same time.) So, he wants to walk and run but he falls and falls- always with a smile. Those that come as you give him his first bath and find that you can get your thumb and forefinger to meet around your five year olds leg. Those as you go to kiss your child goodnight and he can hardly contain his joy as you lean down. (If you've seen Pete's Dragon, it's exactly like when Nora goes to kiss Elliot the dragon). Those as he shows you the terrible cavity in his mouth and tells you that it hurts him very badly and you know that it has for a very long time and would have forever. And on and on.... SO much happiness, SO much that is so very hard on the heart.

We spent Sat. getting medical exams. (I'm going to bite my tongue here.) All went well from the boys standpoint. No trouble. Many discrepancies in Kade's file that we will have to deal with but they were expected.

Yesterday, we went to the Chinese/English church service on Shamian Island and then did some souvenir shopping and had "American comfort food". We would just as soon stick to local food! The only food here that we don't love is that geared towards us!

This morning, a trip to the Folk Art museum in a local temple. (It was fabulous.) Then a quick trip to the pearl market and now "home" for a nap. (We are trying to rest up for the trip home.)

I apologize that the posts have not been narrated. This trip has been very busy with paperwork and appointments for two. Hopefully, you are seeing some of what it is like through the pictures. We are done with appointments after this next set and will have more time. If there are specific questions or thoughts, just send us a comment.

P.S. The post about the dishes got garbled. The water is SO bad here that you can wash your dishes but when you rinse them with bad water, you have to clean them with an over the counter "infrared device". My problem is, you wash your hands and then rinse them, too. So, what disinfects your hands?

P.P.S. Mom, I need you to call the dentist, Dr. Trent Savage, and make Kai an immediate appointment for this cavity. They know that we are here and will schedule it with no problem. Also, if you can please call and set up an appt. with Dr. Davis, for Kade, ASAP after we are home so that we can get him some emergency braces. If you could keep checking your e-mail from this point, I can send birth dates, etc. there.

Love to all! The thoughts and prayers are truly felt here. We are SO ready to come home!!!



  1. Yes, Keely, I will call and try my very vest to get the boys into the doctors.
    Anything else, just let me know and I will do them ASAP. They are blessed to have you all parents and brothers and sisters. I hope we can be a real blessing to them as well. Love you so very, very much. Mom

  2. Keely, let me know anything special you want at your house. I was going to have a couple of thing in freezer like lasagna, etc. some fruit, pot of chicken soul, a box of salad greens, etc. what kind of bread? I know you like gluten free. Let me know and anything else you think of. I'm working on it all. Love you much.

  3. Keely, I called both doctors. They absolutely are willing to help do whatever they can to help the little boys. Dr. Davis blocked off 10:15 and 10:30 for you. She will see what she can do to help you get through. They would like any information that you could send to me for them to know. I told them I just know their names, ages, and a little of the situations. You need to be there by 10:15 to make a record for them of some small sort that morning.

    I also called Dr. Savage's office. They, as well, were very nice and most wiling to help in any way possible. Your appointment there is at 12:00. Sorry, it will just be one doctor and then the other. I know that is a lot, but the situation kind of calls for it.
    Even Dr. Davis said she could give something for infection in Kai's mouth until something could be done if necessary.

    Just let me know if any of this will not work and I will try to call back. Don't know what else can be done however. Hope this works.

    Your dad has a follow-up appt. with his surgeon on that same morning at 9:00. It is vital that I go with him to this appointment. I need to talk with his doctor as well.

    Let me know if any of this needs to be altered. We love you all so very much. I did type you a note on e-mail. 3-rivers-- Did you get it? Maybe that won't even work. Love you and have a very blessed, God-overflowing day. Mom

  4. Sorry, actually you need to be at Dr. Davis' office by 10:00 to make somesort of a record. The appts. are at 10:15 and 10:30 just run together.

    Let us know any ways we can help. You know that I am here for that. Please let me know and I will do my very best. Mom
